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February 14, 2022

Your Top Hearing Aid Questions Answered by Dr. Egan

Dr. Egan Answers Common Questions We Hear at Our Clinic

Hi, I’m Dr. Egan from Now Hear This, and today I’m going to answer common questions we hear at our clinic when answering the phones.

The first question is: “What hearing aid companies do you work with?”

We work with all seven major manufacturers—Phonak, Unitron, Starkey, Signia, Oticon, Widex, and Resound. It’s important to us that we continue working with all manufacturers because that gives our patients access to every possible option.

While getting a hearing aid is better than not getting one when needed, being able to fit someone with exactly the right device for their hearing needs and lifestyle is critical. In my opinion, doing the job right means staying informed—always researching and reading about any changes in hearing aid companies or design updates. This ensures we are completely up to date and can recommend the best hearing aid for each individual.

Another common question is: “How does your pricing work?”

At Now Hear This, we have moved to an unbundled model—which is truly best practice—because you are only paying for what you need.

You pay for the cost of the device and the cost of the initial fitting period. That includes:

• The initial programming following best practices

• Several follow-up visits to ensure the hearing aid is comfortable

• Adjustments to make sure you’re hearing what you need to

• Fine-tuning so no sounds are too loud or too soft

• Ensuring you’re reaching your listening needs

For example, if you came in because you can’t hear your sister-in-law, you better bet we’re going to ask about it and make sure your hearing aid addresses that before you walk out the door!

From there, we remain unbundled, which puts an expectation on us to get everything right the first time—because you are paying for it. If you need something later, like an office visit or a hearing aid cleaning, you just pay for what you need at that time.

For those who prefer more traditional bundled plans, we still offer those. It’s just not our standard model at this time.

Another important factor to consider is flexibility. If you’re unsure where life will take you—whether you might move for a job or relocate to be closer to family—an unbundled clinic makes more sense. Instead of paying a lump sum for services 2-3 years down the road, you have the flexibility to meet your listening needs wherever you go. In my opinion, this is truly best practice.

The cost of our devices ranges anywhere from $800 per ear to $3,000 per ear, depending on your lifestyle needs and level of hearing loss.

For example, if you struggle with background noise and are in noisy environments daily, our recommendation might be different than for someone who primarily wants to hear better one-on-one in quiet settings. That’s why we take time to get to know our patients, figure out their listening needs, and appropriately pair them with a respected device.

Our third commonly asked question is: “Will your hearing aids help me hear better?”

The answer is yes! But it’s not just about the hearing aid itself—it’s about how the hearing aid is programmed.

We use the highest quality, best practice Real-Ear Measurement programming. I can confidently say that I have not had a single return when using this method and when listening goals are met.

Of course, if the hearing aids don’t suit your needs, you are able to return them. However, we rarely see that happen, because people find that our approach works—it makes their lives easier. That’s typically the outcome.

So, if you’re wondering, “Will I hear better?” The answer is absolutely yes!

If you have any other questions, feel free to call or email us. We are happy to help, educate, and inform anyone with questions.

Have a wonderful rest of your day!

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